Yellow-bellied Marmot near our work site |
Tired Eyes
The tired eyes of the oldest marmot
in the talus field
Sense bright purple glow of trail side flowers at first light
Call out the news of tall disruptive animals approaching
newborn babies to stay
warm in hidden crevices
Speak of the time before humans
when all rocks bowed down
Whisper to her slow lover
'the dogs are coming,
wait for me at Square Rock.'
Warn our faint steps to stay away
from her family
Her tired eyes
Laugh at the zylophone tumblings of little ones
alighting from here to there
in their kingdom on a hill
Remember the hardest winter
and when glaciers lasted longer
Glaze over as white gasps of water
amble past
sending the warm hand of the sun
to press down on her tired back
her plump belly
like a full sack of dirt
presses firmly to the rock
By Ariel Climer, RMYC Crew Member on Mount Yale
Bruce, Kyle and Ben |
Spencer and Nick taking their lunch break. |
Garreth and Ariel |
Dara and Susie |
Spencer, Max, Ariel, Garreth