Friday, July 30, 2010

Words From Someone Other Than Me

Yellow-bellied Marmot near our work site
Her Tired Eyes

The tired eyes of the oldest marmot
in the talus field
Sense bright purple glow of trail side flowers at first light
Call out the news of tall disruptive animals approaching
Urge newborn babies to stay
warm in hidden crevices
Speak of the time before humans
when all rocks bowed down
Whisper to her slow lover
'the dogs are coming,
wait for me at Square Rock.'
Warn our faint steps to stay away
from her family
Her tired eyes
Laugh at the zylophone tumblings of little ones
alighting from here to there
in their kingdom on a hill
Remember the hardest winter
and when glaciers lasted longer
Glaze over as white gasps of water
amble past
sending the warm hand of the sun
to press down on her tired back
her plump belly
like a full sack of dirt
presses firmly to the rock
By Ariel Climer, RMYC Crew Member on Mount Yale
Bruce, Kyle and Ben

Spencer and Nick taking their lunch break.

Garreth and Ariel

Dara and Susie
Spencer, Max, Ariel, Garreth

Friday, July 23, 2010

Ughh, the stomach bug...

As with many groups who spend every waking moment together, trail crews typically not only share every minute of their season with one another but a good majority of whatever makes us sick as well.  No worries though, large quantities of hand sanitizer and an intense base camp clean-up will hopefully help mitigate any similar issues in the future. 
Despite almost everyone taking at least one sick day last hitch, we're still moving forward with the project.  The youth corps are currently working to complete three full switchbacks and the first of two 30+ step staircases.
Rocky Mountain Youth Corps during our morning stretch circle.
On another note, after saying goodbye to RMYC for the week Jeff and I were granted the opportunity to work with several fine individuals affiliated with the Outdoor Adventure Program at Colorado State University.  Eight CSU students and two of CSU's media representatives joined us on the project and marveled at the luxury that is our base camp.  Jeff and I then broke them into the world of trail work by asking them to work a section of re-tread above treeline.  Knowing that we had an intelligent group on hand,(they put me to shame when a few of them started rambling off scientific names of surrounding plant life) we only subjected them to the monotony of swinging a pick for the first day.  Our second day together was all about building walls and teaching the essential elements of rock work. 
Look for an article about CFI and various research concerning fourteeners coming out this winter in the Colorado State University Magazine.
A few of our volunteers from Colorado State University.

Frosty Alpine Avens after a night of cold weather.
Some gorgeousness from the Yurt at Twin Lakes.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Workin' Hard or Hardly Workin'?

Kyle, Jeff and Suzie showing off their newly constructed retaining wall.

Hey, what are you guys digging for?  Are you archaeologists?  These are a few of some of the most commonly asked questions by the masses who chose to hike Mount Yale last week.  I'm sure each one of us will end the season with well rehearsed replies to these questions as Yale typically sees around 10,000 visitors a year.  After seeing the masses on the mountain this past weekend I'm entirely confident that the number of visitors this season will be just as high.  We all definitely appreciate the thanks we receive after having explained that we're actually a trail crew.  As well as the positive responses to requests for leashes concerning those whose pets are free to roam the tundra.
On a different note, the crew has worked their way up to the reconstruction portion of our project, leaving only a few structures left to be built on the brand new re-route before it can be opened.  
Kudos to the Rocky Mountain Youth Corps who survived an eight day hitch rifled with rain, snow and a nasty cold bug.  Hopefully, they're enjoying a nice, relaxing group soak at the Conundrum hot springs today.
